Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second Interview Questions

1. Who is your mentor and where do they work?

Oscar Holzmeister is my mentor for my senior project and he works as a Radio Frequency Field Engineer for T-Mobile.

2. What five questions will ask them about their background?

  1. How long have you been doing this job and how has the job changed overtime? 
  2. What is the biggest struggle you have faced in the field? 
  3. Can you give me an example of where you had to fix a problem in an RBS and what you did to fix the problem? 
  4. What did you do when you first started this career?
  5. What do you do if you cannot solve an RBS ticket?


  1. Approved. Please make the following corrections:
    How long have you been doing this job and how has it changed overtime?
    What is the biggest struggle you have faced in the field? What is the most rewarding part?
    Can you give me an example of where you had to fix a problem in an RBS and what you did to fix the problem?
    (I don't understand this question....)What did you do when you first started this career?
    What do you do if you cannot solve an RBS ticket?

  2. Was your internship experience similar to what you are doing now? Is so, how is it similar? If not, how have your duties changed?
