Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working EQ

Positive Statement

What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?

During my summer mentorship, I have learned how a radio based station (RBS) works and how it benefits others. To me, radio frequency has taught me how to be much more organized and how communication is a huge benefit when troubleshooting sites. For example, when my mentor needed to communicate anything to another individual or group he would have to call several people so they would know, what he is about to do is correct. Then he would have to use a scanner to scan the entire RBS to let the whole network know that the site is updated. With this I now have a better feel of how to stay organized and how to communicate to others in the best way possible.

EQ Content
Pick a piece of research or your interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?

Title of the article: How Cell Phones Work"

This article justified not only the basis of how a cellular device transfers phone calls but has given a very simplistic overview of how radio frequencies plays a big role in our lives. Knowing how a cell phone works, fascinates me of how much is put towards making a simple phone call or even turning on a cellular device. Not only that, but this has helped me understand the frequencies of a cell phone, the different channels, the cell phone codes,digital cellphones and the cell phone network.

What has worked for you so far in the senior project?

As of right, the interview with my mentor and the mentorship hours has taught me so much and given me a head start of how I might present my two hour presentation. The interview has allowed me to get a feel of what it is like to work as a radio frequency engineer in a carrier network such as T-mobile and has given me more ideas on what to research and look up to learn more about my topic.

What hasn't worked so far?

So far, the only thing that hasn't worked for me is simply finding good research for my topic because most articles simply explain what radio frequency is all about, but they all have the same concept behind them.

Finding Value
What is a potential question you would like to study this year?

What is the most important factor to consider when troubleshooting radio based stations in the USA?

What do you plan to do for mentorship?

For mentorship I plan to do this with my current mentor which is my father, because so far he is an expert in this type of field and has been doing this type of work for over 20 years. We usually go to radio based stations to fix the T-Mobile networks all around his area which is Pasadena.

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