Saturday, November 30, 2013

4G Explained

So what is 4G anyway, I mean we have seen it on carrier branding or commercials but there's no widely excepted definition of 4G or LTE. So let's try to explain that.

So as far as the name goes "4G" the "G" stands for a generation of mobile technology. With each new generation you get a significantly faster data speed but it becomes incompatible with the previous generation. In other words, you will never see a 3G phone working on a 4G network, but their are carriers that have both 3G and 4G networks (Verizon).

1G was the first Analog system and has the slowest data speed possible but at the point it was the only network available.

2G moves to digital but it's still very slow, somewhere around 10-200 kbps. Fun Fact: The first iPhone was 2G.

3G is a much faster digital and goes up to 384 kbps.

4G systems like LTE claim to initially start out at 5 Mbps, which is the highest network at the point. But 4G isn't just faster than all the other previous generations, it also has much more capacity, and their is alot less bandwidth caps

The complications that has people wondering what really is 4G is the fact that their are some really modern 3G networks that are actually faster than the beginnings of the 4G networks. For example, HSPA+  which is modernized 3G but the speed of this network can go up to 7 Mbps, because it's been evolved for so long. T-Mobile runs an HSPA+ network, and they plan to evolve it up to 30 Mbps.

The video showed you a comparison of 4G and 3G on 3 separate iPhones. Now you can actually see how fast 4G truly is when compared to other generation networks.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


1. I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2. Review the following EQs

A. What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?

This essential question does tie into all three of the criteria's.

- Does this question provide a "framework for studies?"
The word, "factor" has a major part as to why it is not just a yes or no question and why it can have alot of research. Not only can you provide an opinion toward what the most important factor is but also source statistical evidence that supports a factor. Sure the answer can be straight to the point, but finding that point will require tons of research and knowledge towards your topic.

 - Does this question "take a stance?"
The word "factor" allows for a specific argument as to what they believe (based upon their research) is the best way possible to lose weight. This could be confused with a fact but instead it's an opinion that can lead towards an argument as to what the most important factor is. 

- Does this question provide a clear format?
Yes it does, because it states what the speaker is going to talk about, gives the audience an idea as to what their topic might be, and how this question can be answered. 

B. What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?

Wow, talk about grammar issues, so I fixed it for you: 

"What is the most important factor towards securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?"

- Does this question provide a "framework for studies?"
Yes it can provide alot of research towards criminal investigation but looking at what the question is asking, the author of the EQ doesn't really know what he will research about in criminal investigation. It isn't a yes or no question but it is still unclear as to what the author will be discussing.

 - Does this question "take a stance?"
No it does not because how can you bring up an argument when the EQ has not been completed. In other words, the words, "most important" is incomplete; most important what?

- Does this question provide a clear format?
Of course not, because the formatting is not specific in defining or answering the EQ. Instead you can add the word "factor" or "component" to have a clearer format. 

C. What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?

- Does this question provide a "framework for studies?"
This can provide alot of research due to the answer being an opinion, not a fact. Everyone is different, and not everyone is going to have the same satisfactions. But providing a clue as to what a customer might like will require research and data.

 - Does this question "take a stance?"

If the answer is an opinion, then of course their are going to be arguments. So yes it does take a stance.

- Does this question provide a clear format?

Yes. It provides a factor to be answered and clear argument as to what will satisfy a customer. 

D. How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?

- Does this question provide a "framework for studies?"
This question does offer a wide variety of studies on how to treat chronic pain, thus the author providing a scientific fact as to why that factor is the best treatment.

Does this question "take a stance?"
No because the answer cannot be argued upon due to evidence and statistics backing up the authors answer. For example, you can only have a medicine that treats chronic pain in a much better manner and shows statistical evidence as to why it is used by most Anesthesiologists.

- Does this question provide a clear format?

Yes. It is clear and specific as to what the answer could be, which in this case it will be a fact.

3. What are the most important factors in troubleshooting cellular coverage in a city?